Thursday, July 27, 2006

Best Buy

It has been some time since I have written anything, I must apologize (mainly to myself). I find little time for subtle pleasures when trying to arrange my life.
Today I found myself going to Best Buy to find some printer cartridges for my girlfriend. Let me give you a little background about Best Buy. I hate them, and there are many reasons for this. Basically they are a corporation and that should sum it up. I have no idea how they were founded who runs the company, why they do what they do but I do know that they suck. I once went into a best buy during a phase of my life where I was unable to walk without a crutch. There was not much I could do so I went there to buy a video game to occupy my time. The trip was a success as I could afford the game and show the proper ID. But to my astonishment when I got home and installed the game on my pc it wouldnt work. The computer was prehistoric, built in my cousin's basement. So still having my receipt I returned to the boxy monstrosity of a building and kindly asked the service rep to return my game and let me have another that my computer would run. She told me that was impossible. She said that I could have copied the game to my computer and tried to "steal it". My retort, "are you calling me a thief?" She said politely no but thats the deal. I asked if she believed that everyone that came in the store was potentially a thief? She said no. So if I bought a washing machine and took it home could I return it. If there was a problem with it, yes, I could. I said what if I brought it home, took it apart and used the internals as a map to making my own washing machine. Thats impossible sir. No its not, but do you understand what I am saying to you? She said no and I left with the game on the counter. I vowed to never go there again.
So today as I go into the God forsaken place for my bird, I was instantly greeted by a woman posing to be security, who looked me up and down as if I had already stolen something. I gave her a piss off look and went about my business. I found the merch that I was looking for and proceeded to the checkout with Stephs blank check. I began to fill the rest out at the counter and the woman kindly said, "I am sorry we cant take that." Why, and she said store policy says that they cannot except checks from people didnt sign it in front of the register. I wished I had a needle to poke in my eye, but not having one, I used my own credit card.
I realize that these people are only screws in the bigger machine, but I almost hate them equally. I wonder if anyone else out there feels this way about Best Buy or any other company. I am sure that you are out there.


Anonymous said...

I think it's sad. I can't really bring myself to hate Best Buy employees (or other screws in The Machine), but I pity them. Get a real job. "But... but... I gotta pay the bills to pay for my classes to get my degree to get me a real job..." Whine whine whine, whatever. But don't become a robot in the process.

Warren Harden said...

yeah and they shold have to buy their beer in Canada too...