Sunday, June 04, 2006


Let me just say beforehand that every country has its pros and cons. But so far as I have entered Canada I have seen so much beauty and kindness that I cant hardly find anything negative except maybe the border. Here I am, Ryan the American, ready to spend some coin in this country and it took everything I had to persuade the mounty at border that I actually did in fact have money to spend. I suppose its much easier to kick people out at the border than it is to extradite them from some far off region. And he wasnt exactly a mounty. He looked more like a SWAT guy who had killed to many people and was bumped down to border patrol. Or maybe he was a interragator in training. Some advice for crossing the border, be prepared to answer any question you can think of with mongoose like reflexes. Oh your driving a truck, what condition is it in? Do you eat cheese with a little mold on it? Whats the best wood for creating a deck in the Himalayas? Are convection ovens the way to go in your mind? Do you like Lyle Lovitt? Really? Something like that. There is no clear representable pattern but to them it makes perfect sense. Fortunately I was cool as ice and my Rusty Cage was not going to be rattled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.