Friday, June 09, 2006

Gypsy Life Really Isn't So Bad

I have now been on the road for over a month now. Being on the road for so long (really it doesnt seem so long) really opens up your eyes. Not only to just the beautiful sights and outrageous prices of gasoline, but the people you come across and things learned. I have aqcuired more knowlege of myself and this world more in this month plus than I have in a long time. Without the mind numbing (and yet stimulating) television at my disposal I have read quite a few books and when I go to the store I am more interested in what they have in paperback than I am anything else. Get home from a day of climbing or wandering around and what do you have to do? Re-organize your truck again, read, cook dinner, listen to music and crack a beer with friends. Man that sounds alot better than getting home from work and reflexively plopping on the couch and watching God knows what. So if I could suggest a few books to you the reader:

Culture Jam Kalle Lassn
Kiss or Kill by Mark Twight
Anything by John Krakauer
Anything by Edward Abbey
A New Kind of Christian
The Spider
Not Davincci Code (just a bad book)
Cash by Johnny Cash
The Alchemist
The 911 Report
Neither Here Nor There by Bill Bryson

There are many more that escape me for one reason or another but enjoy at least one of these somewhere off to yourself and imagine a life you would rather have. Then... make it happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a great time, miss you bro :) Call me sooooon!