Thursday, June 15, 2006

Early Fathers Day

To My Dad

Right now my Dad is laid up in bed in his home in Euless, Tx. I am currently at least forty hours away and can in no way afford a plane ticket. And I just want him and the rest of this world that I love him. He had an unfortunate accident and is now left with only one good ankle and shoulder (for the time being). Your prayers would be most appreciated.

As a kid I have always looked up to my father and not because he is tall. My dad is the kind of man that people appreciate. He listens to what you have to say and always has good advice (whether its what you want to hear or not). My father is a smooth business man who has always done well with his personality and striking good looks.

Having said all that, me and father dont always understand each other. My memory is not so good. But for quite some time my father has insisted that I work. So he began finding jobs for me when I was thirteen or fourteen. These were mainly lawn mowing or landscaping jobs that he would set up for me. Which made me lots of money since I had no startup costs or gas prices to deal with (he set me up with everything). This dinero was in turn spent on comic books, sports cards or new equipment. My dad tried to convince me that I should save this money but I never did. Maybe thats the way it will always be. I have been on the road now for quite some time and everytime I have talked to my father he has mentioned some kind of new good job. "The border patrol would be good work. Its with the government." And he is right. It would be good work. I would have health care and benefits, but for some reason that is not what I want. And I dont know what I want so I will keep trying this and that and learning new skills. As for my father he found what he was good at early and stuck with it. He is still in the biz and every bit as successful as he ever was and I am so proud of him for that. And my dream one day is to provide for my family the same way he has for us.

My dad has taught me so much in these twenty four years that we have been hanging out. And I appreciate all of it. And the memories that we share together will always be cherished. Even the time you put that leaf you found on your foot in my coke while I was asleep. "Man this coke taste awful." Oh you were still drinking that?" Good times dad.

I love you Dad, and I pray you have a speedy recovery. I will be home soon.

1 comment:

Warren Harden said...

great post. you write better than you smell. take a shower and give me back my sock.