Tuesday, June 13, 2006

I wish that I knew what I know now

What can I say. I have now been in the Chief campground now for about a week. Camping at the base of this grand monument to God and nature is truly enlightening. I am surrounded by cultures from all over the world that are suddenly thrown together to see what they have in common. One of my neighbors (Rico) is here from Switzerland not Sweden. He is a metal worker that is on a three month vacation. His english is not very good and he carries a pocket translator with him everywhere ("it is warry good.") A couple of nights ago we had a movie night in the campground. Rico couldnt believe it, "This is crazy, crazy!" I never would have thought that I could have so much fun drinking beer with someone from another country and finding words in his translator that make us all laugh. He calls climbers "clampers" and almost all of his r's are replaced with w's. We also have an Aussie geologist who has quit his job ( and it is quite a lucrative one in Aussie Land) to climb full time. He is problaby one of the best climbers I know and is also one of the most modest. He was working on his 5.13 project in the rain (sick). He is training right now for the Bugaboos, a climbing area in Canada with ridiculous approaches and hard climbing at altitude. He will be attempting the third free ascent of a hardman route on Howser Tower. Anyways I could go on about the people but I grow weary of being on the web.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm glad to hear you're happy. I'd love to just wander for a while.
But hey, Durango isn't too bad if one must settle down.
Grace & Peace to you-